Thursday, 7 February 2013

CrossFit Gone Globo

What happens when CrossFit becomes too mainstream?

What happens when globo gyms start adding WOD’s to their group class schedule in between Zumba and Spin?

Will we soon be wearing 'CrossFit Equinox' t-shirts? 

There'll be absolutely no dropping the barbells on the hardwood floors. You'll have to pay chalk rental. There'll be no escaping your pain face in those 360 degree mirrors.

We'll have to share kettle bells with the PT corner. There’ll be no chit chat before class. People will show up late and leave 10mins before the end.

There'll be no rope climbs, no sled pulls, no tyre flips, no pull ups and what are we gonna do when we PR our deadlift? Will reception make an announcement on the loud speaker and interrupt the guys upstairs who had to jump of the treadmill and remove their earphones to catch the end of the announcement just in case it was something about Express Abs about to start in 5 minutes in Studio 1?

There'll be no Zico (because it’s not the official sponsored beverage). No dude in the corner squatting chained barbells. No paleo treats by the water fountain made by Julie from 6am. There'll be no online WOD post for us to wake up at 3am and agonize over. No blog for us to post our times to and chat about the WOD on.

It simply won’t be CrossFit. 

If CrossFit was just 'a workout', then gym WOD’s would be pretty good. More people would be getting fit. More people would be getting stronger. More people would be getting after it.

But the truth is, that a mixed bunch of functional movements performed really hard and really fast, fails to scratch the surface of what makes CrossFit so special.

Community, camaraderie, support, motivation, competition, accountability, a high-five on a good day and a hug on a bad. Like-mindedness, awesomeness, paleo-ness, knee socks, boxes, pukie, white boards, t-shirts, goats, PRs, gongs, beast mode, WOD shoes, Oly shoes, running shoes, blogs, AMRAPS, chippers, bitches and heroes...

You won’t get THAT in Studio 2 at Equinox.


  1. Hi Anna,

    i agree with your point of view, but in fact to 90% of the population out there, they see crossfit as 'If CrossFit was just 'a workout', then gym WOD’s would be pretty good' as you said. They don't see Crossfit as we do, as a way of living!!! It's up to us, to spread the word (amen) :)


  2. Agree!! But as my local box is 40 miles away!! I do crossfit WODs in a globo gym!! Turns heads!! But I still say it is crossfit because I have the passion to improve before my next visit to the box... does this make sense??
