Monday, 25 March 2013

The 10 Commandments of CrossFit

  1. Thou shall respect and listen to the coach;
  2. Thou shall not think they are all that and check thy ego at the door;
  3. Thou shall not Zumba;
  4. Thou shall not WOD on rest days;
  5. Thou shall keep thy mouth shut during WOD briefing unless thy has something constructive to say;
  6. Thou shall not kill thyself on the first round. Thy knows better;
  7. Thou shall not perform shoddy reps, only awesome ones;
  8. Thou shall not steal Zico from the fridge;
  9. Thou shall not stare at thy neighbors bar in envy;
  10. Thou shall not falsify thy 1RM to thy non CrossFitting friends.

Amen to that.


  1. This one is my absolute favorite of your posts. You have an inspired and unique wit, buttressed with a healthy dose of Moxy.

    Kudos Lady; I enjoyed reading your stuff.
