I wake up thinking about CrossFit, I do CrossFit once, sometimes twice a day. I Google CrossFit, I read blogs about CrossFit, I write a blog about CrossFit, I talk about CrossFit, I go to sleep thinking about CrossFit, I plan my days around CrossFit, I like pictures of people I don’t know doing CrossFit, I wear t-shirts, pants, shorts, tops and socks branded with CrossFit.
CrossFit or chocolate? CrossFit.
CrossFit challenges me. It’s not about aesthetics anymore. It’s about getting after a sense of achievement. How much better can I get? How can I turn my weaknesses into strengths? What else can I learn? It’s about feeling good and becoming a better version of me. This blog is a collection of my thoughts and experiences along the way.
There’s a whole world of people out there who have no idea what it feels like to live an active, healthy lifestyle. To feel fit, strong and healthy. To feel good, confident and brave. To challenge your limits, get after your fears and chase after achievement.
I want to inspire people to get involved. To make a choice and take the action to become better version of themselves. There’s room for everyone to be a little bit better.
As much as I love CrossFit, I also realize what a funny old bunch we are. Sometimes, we all just need to take a step back and smile at ourselves. There are enough serious things in the world. CrossFit need not be one of them. CrossFit is fun. Let’s keep it that way.
I have been training with my coach Arturo Ruiz since July 2010. Arturo is a fantastic coach and his passion is contagious.
This man changed my life. He has taught, inspired and transformed me into a better, stronger, fitter, faster, healthier, confident and generally more awesome version of me.