Shallow squats, stripper deadlifts, wormy presses and…well…let’s just call them ’CrossFit’ snatches. Half reps, cheated reps, lazy reps and no reps.
It's ugly, and it doesn't count.
Stupid Reps
When the RX for high rep WOD is your 1RM, then attempting to throw that over your head 30 times is not big or clever. It’s stupid.
There's a difference between training and testing and smart athletes know what that is.
Forced Reps
Throwing around heavy barbells without adherence to the body’s signals is begging for trouble.
There’s a fine line between productive commitment and self-destructive adherence. The body will tell you exactly where that line is. Listen to it.
Whilst athletes allow all this craziness to continue, then it’s no wonder CrossFit gets a bad rep.
CrossFit is a beautiful, skillful and exciting sport which unadulterated, is 100% awesome.
There’s simply only one defense, for which every single athlete is accountable for.
More awesomeness.
- 50 Signs You're Obsessed with CrossFit
- Balls and beards
- The 10 Commandments of CrossFit
- CrossFit Gone Globo
- The Beauty of CrossFit
- 8 things to expect at a CrossFit social
- Freedom in Focus
- 7 reasons why our kids would make better CrossFitters
- Your excuses are invalid
- 10 things that make a good coach
- 21 Confessions of CrossFitters
- The 20 minute, 4 minute AMRAP
- Mornings in the life of a CrossFitter
- Pick up the god damn bar
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