Sunday, 30 December 2012

10 of the most utterly ridiculous diets ever

Alright kids, enough with the 30 day ‘new year, new you’ diet challenges already.

30 days of peppery water and cabbage soup will certainly be a challenge and will definitely create a ‘new you’.

A miserable, cranky and very hungry you.

Good luck with that.

If you can’t stick to it for more than 30 days then it's stupid.

If a diet makes you miserable, cranky and hungry then it's stupid.

If you're diet doesn't fuel burpees then guess what...its stupid.

The best diet in the world is not a diet. It’s a way of life.

So how about a LIFETIME challenge huh?

How about a diet that's sustainable for more than 3 hours?

How about we use some balance and moderation?

How about we eat more good stuff and less crap?

How about we get up and move more?

How about that eh?

It really is that simple.

Not easy. Just simple. 

Just for fun, here’s 10 of the most utterly ridiculous diets ever:

1. Lemonade Diet
300 calories a day? I don’t get out of bed for less than 500.

2. Tape Worm Diet
W.T.F? Ingest beef tapeworm eggs and then you take medicine to kill the tapeworm after you’ve lost the desired amount of weight.

3. Hotdog diet
If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

4. The Pasta Chocolate Diet

5. Cabbage Soup Diet
Cabbage is good for you, but six times a day? Oy, oy, oy.

6. The Air Diet
Just breathe. ‘Rhythmically’. The more air you breathe, the more weight you lose. Hmmm. I must have lost about 6lbs doing Murph this morning.

7. The Last Chance Diet 
No chance more like. A starvation diet where you consume nothing but liquid Prolinn. The liquid protein is made from slaughterhouse leftover byproducts like crushed animal horns, hooves, hides, tendons and bones. 58 people died following this diet. 58. people. died.

8. Any Kind of Diet Pill Diet.
Dude. If it was as simple as popping a pill then why isn't everyone skinny?

9. The Ear Stapling Diet.
Yes, really. This is actually a thing. Small surgical staples are placed into the inner cartilage of each ear are thought to stimulate a pressure point that suppresses appetite.

10. The Grape Diet 
Nothing but grapes and water. You can eat the grapes whole or for variety, you can knock yourself out and slice them up into small pieces.


  1. Omg tapeworm diet?! Those are some desperate people! I agree with you on the diets. Don't just sign up for 30 days. I think that's why people fail.

    1. Right! There are no magic pills or quick fix diet plans! just common sense and a healthy LIFEstyle...not 30DayStyle!

  2. Number 6 made me laugh out loud in my office. p.s. I am sick of seeing other Army wives sell "skinny fiber" or "body wraps" on Facebook.. I always comment.. Crossfit and eat paleo! simple
